456 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Anne-Marie Sheedy |
Anne-Marie@elderfamily.ca |
Dr. Topping has been instrumental in the flourishing of NTC and the Catholic community in the Edmonton area. This decision was unwarranted and unjust. Students and the Catholic community deserve answers as to why this happened, and the justification for it. |
Yes |
455 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mr Karl Sheedy |
karlsheedy20@gmail.com |
As a student of Newman I have first hand experience of the subtle tactics the college has taken in order to suppress the growth of the BA program. I have lost confidence in the college's ability to perform it's duties as a post secondary institution in regards to student-faculty relationships and in providing adequate space for students to gather in a "student lounge" like every other respectable college and university. My hope is that all the faithful Catholics will be listened to instead of those who do not provide life to the Edmonton Catholic Archdiocese. |
Yes |
454 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Maureen Williams |
maureen.yv.williams@gmail.com |
Dr. Topping has been such an integral part of the Catholic community in Edmonton and has played a significant role in building up the Catholic culture of Newman. I believe there needs to be strong and transparent leadership at Newman. At explanation, at the very least is necessary. |
Yes |
453 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Maripaz Rouleau |
maripazd@mac.com |
I agree with all the comments in support of Dr. Topping. All my concerns can be found in my letter that has yet to be answered.
I do not agree with all the TROLLS on this petition. |
Yes |
452 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mr Dale Aalbers |
dale.aalbers@gmail.com |
There was a very tight timeline from the interim president’s hiring and Dr. Topping’s firing.
It is always disappointing to see someone let go without cause especially when they have contributed so much to the College. |
Yes |
451 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mr Nelson Morris |
nelsonjmorris@gmail.com |
Please consider the good Ryan Topping has done and continues to do for the Archdiocese of Edmonton. |
Yes |
450 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mr Vinz Balala |
vinz_bal@outlook.com |
I know Dr. Topping well as a kind, knowledgeable, and most certainly faithful professor of our Catholic Church, and I am saddened to see him lose his position, especially under these circumstances. Adherents to orthodoxy and tradition in our Catholic Church should be celebrated and defended, not exiled. |
Yes |
449 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Faith Bodnarek |
fbodnarek@gmail.com |
Yes |
448 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mr John Carpay |
jcarpay@jccf.ca |
Dear Archbishop Smith, it is never the wrong time to do the right thing. Sincerely, John Carpay |
Yes |
447 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Suzanne Moore |
smooregaap@gmail.com |
Please keep Newman Theological College true to our faith so that when my grandson attends, I can be assured of a sound education based in authentic Catholic traditions. |
Yes |
446 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Michele Barter |
dancinfam@gmail.com |
Offering up rosaries for an honorable resolution. |
Yes |
445 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mr Mike Barter |
dancinfam@gmail.com |
Are we building the Church or weakening it? Is this part of the Great Apostasy?
It is said that truth is the first casualty in war. Our Church is under persecution, not only from without, but from within. It would do well that you would have an appropriate response or explanation for what was done. It appears that your back is turned on the faithful who want to see the Church flourish. Please defend this move so that we can have right understanding. If none is given, the credibility of Church leadership takes another hit, as disappointment strikes at the heart of the faithful. Is this the goal?
Yes |
444 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Emily Jordan |
emily.mcpeek@hotmail.com |
“If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society... It is the education which gives a man a clear, conscious view of their own opinions and judgements, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. It teaches him to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of thought to detect what is sophistical and to discard what is irrelevant.”
- St. John Henry Newman, The Idea of a University
Dr. Topping’s work and vision align beautifully with St. John Henry Newman’s idea of a Catholic University. Thank you, Dr. Topping for your dedication to the Truth and your work in providing authentic Catholic education to young people. I pray that you will receive justice.
Yes |
443 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mr Paul Jordan |
pjordan.ftw@gmail.com |
To whom it may concern,
The recent events at Newman Theological College concern me greatly. As a firm believer in the necessity for good solid Catholic higher education I humbly ask you to consider this petition.
God Bless you and Mary keep you.
In Christ,
Paul Jordan |
Yes |
442 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Mrs Maria Schiller |
I was saddened and concerned to hear about the recent events at NTC. I agree with all of the above statements, and I am praying for all involved, especially Dr. Topping and his family. |
Yes |
441 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-10
Miss Stephanie McPeek |
stephanie.mcpeek@hotmailmcom |
St. John Henry Newman, pray for us and pray for NTC and it’s directors. |
Yes |
440 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-09
Mrs Candice Tucci |
tctuc333@protonmail.com |
Dear Archbishop Smith, it is necessary for you to rectify the current situation at NTC. Dr. Topping's dismissal one week prior to the beginning of classes was unjust to Dr. Topping and his family; to NTC students (and their families) who were anticipating Dr. Topping's instruction and wisdom; and to our Catholic Community. This decision by the NTC Board should be revoked, and all the requests in this petition be met. Dr. Topping is a man of principle, ethics and honesty, dedicated to the education and catechesis of Catholic youth. He is informing Catholics of the original richness and beauty of the Church which has drawn many Catholics back to the Sacraments, and for some to consider religious vocations. Dr. Topping and his work have been an immense gift to our Catholic Community. |
Yes |
439 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-09
Mr Neal Currie |
janinecurrie80@gmail.com |
I’m very disappointed that Dr. Topping was dismissed. |
Yes |
438 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-09
Mrs Sara Francis |
sara.l.francis@gmail.com |
I would appreciate some clarification about Dr Ryan Topping’s firing from NTC. It puts the whole college into question. I have children in senior and elementary grades who are prospective Catholic students.
Sara Francis |
Yes |
437 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-09
Mrs Rianna Neufeldt |
sriannalee@gmail.com |
I am astounded that a Catholic college would hire a Protestant temporary president and then fire the actually practicing Catholic dean. It should be written in the college constitution that Catholics run our Catholic colleges, if we want to keep our Catholic colleges actually faithfully adhering to our Catholic faith and morals. |
Yes |