NTC Petition

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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Paul Schmidt schmidt_paul@live.com We need to be strengthened more than ever in our Catholic faith and identity, I fully support the commitments mentioned in this petition. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Patrick Jackson MFC_98@hotmail.com End the ridiculousness at Newman… you are harming the brand Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Chiara Ubertino-Coskum chiara.ubertino@hotmail.com Signing from Toronto, Ontario. Let this matter be brought out for public inquiry lest it be found to be an unjust cause for dismissal. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Dr Robin D’Souza robinjeandsouza@gmail.com I have been appalled at this treatment of Dr. Topping. I have known him for years to be a balanced, humble, truthful academic and teacher. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Rebecca Espinoza re8eccacuevas@yahoo.com We are praying that the right thing will be done to amend this situation. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Yuriy Yakymets ywww@protonmail.com We trust that with the guidance of Holy Spirit your Excellency will address our concerns with the best possible outcome. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Dr Robert Hauptman catholicfamilyphysician@gmail.com No comment. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Mary Kalapurakal ilovesmileyfaces@gmail.com One would expect a Catholic institution to have at its head a practicing Catholic - to lead it in union with the teachings of the Catholic Church. When I heard about Dr. Topping's dismissal by the interim president, I had to go searching to see if NTC was actually claiming to be a Catholic institution. I was amazed that it in fact was - but it decided to place a protestant as its President, albeit for an iterim period. Are we really so short on good Catholic leaders in the academia community? If so, then Dr. Topping's dismissal make even less sense than before. He is a qualified academic with proven ability to bring in funds and students towards academic programs. He is a well known and inspiring practicing Catholic - with an active interest in bringing the faith alive in the community. The manner in which the dismissal was done - without cause, at the beginning of the academic term, and without due process - reeks of very unchristian like behaviour. How does NTC expect to continue to inspire Catholics to attend their programs when they are clearly not being Catholic in their leadership? Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Lyndsey Paschal ferguson.lyndsey@gmail.com Same sentiments expressed by the community. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Jaclyn Sandmaier ja.rae2009@gmail.com The future of our Catholic Community and Catholic Education are at a great loss with this decision have Dr.Topping removed from his position. There was a need to lead our students and community in a renewal and love of the Church. With this decision to let go of Dr. Topping shows a grave mistake was made on all people involved in this decision. The students and community finally started to see hope and formation in the Church and this decision shows uncertainty and instability. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Alphonsa David alphonsadavid@gmail.com Dr. Ryan Topping is very faithful Catholic scholar, professor, loving husband of a very faithful wife, both of whom are parents of 10 faithful children who truly represent a domestic Church, living by radiating their faith, illuminating the Church which is the Mystical Body of Christ. His deep faith, great understanding of Scripture and teachings of the Catholic Church along with his outstanding desire and zeal to pass on the faith to the students and next generation, is not valued by the current intermin president who is not a Catholic, who was once let go from the very Institution. There is no convincing reason for the action by her or the board of Directors of this renowned Catholic Institution. I know God has a greater plan for His good servant Dr. Ryan Topping, but the Catholic Archdiocese and the faithful here as well as future students of this Institution will miss Dr. Ryan Topping's outstanding service, because of this action by the intermin president and board of Directiors. Hope Archbishop will look into this matter seriously, guuded by the Holy Spirit. May Jesus be the judge and may His will happen, not anyone else's. I pray that Jesus will guide the Archbishop and the board of Directors to amed this wrong decision taken. May good Lord console, comfort, strengthen Dr. Ryan Topping and family at this time, until He reveals His greater plans for this great man closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May God's will happen for the glory of God. May Jesus be victorious over all plans and decisions taken against His Holy Will Praise God Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Francesc Vives fvivesv@gmail.com I fully support this petition. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Aldora Harrison aldora.s@gmail.com This was a grave injustice. Terminating Dr. Topping at the beginning of the school term was planned and obviously done so he couldn’t find another position for the 2024-25 school year. This was real malice. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Gerard Deverdenne gdeverdenne1@gmail.com I am appalled that a non-Catholic could be appointed as interim President, also that it is possible that non-Catholics can even be on the board. If non-Catholics, you can even have Free Masons and Communists! If it is that hard to find faithful, believing Catholics how do you expect to teach them the authentic orthodox faith with non-catholic theology! Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Natalia Jimenez nat.jmz.v@gmail.com Please conduct a transparent investigation into how this decision was made- the Church cannot be a faithful witness without faithful Christians working within its organizations. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Maria Laura Giordani mlaura.giordani@gmail.com I think with all the various Christian religions out there we need to protect and respect our Catholic Faith beliefs. That has to be our priority. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Daniel Mackell Dmackell@live.ca NTC was finally coming back to its true Catholic roots and flourishing until all these recent changes. It is such a shame a huge loss to the Catholic community. These changes will surely be felt in decreased enrolment and trust by the community. Your decisions are short sighted and are seemingly ill-willed. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Thierry Karikurubu tkarikurubu@gmail.com I was very disappointed to learn about the removal of Dr. Topping, especially the timing of his dismissal. Given the good he has done to the college in his time of employment, I can’t imagine someone would find it reasonable to dismiss him without cause. Not only the interim president should resign, but also any board members that failed in their duty to prevent such imprudent decision. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr James Martin jamespmartin.jm@gmail.com Prayerfully Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Kaz Gonciarz kazgonciarz@gmail.com I agree with all of the points of this petition. Yes