NTC Petition

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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Helene Deverdenne ghdeverdenne@gmail.com Dear Archbishop, Hope that It get resolve soon to the benefits of the community and the students . Thank you Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Cristina Elle ctumalad@yahoo.com I support this petition because Dr. Topping’s unjust dismissal undermines the integrity of NTC and its commitment to justice. We ask the Archbishop to advocate for a public apology from NTC, to ensure the BA program is restored to its original vision, and to hold leadership accountable for their disconnect from the Catholic community. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Connie Meckelborg meckelborg@live.ca I am in full support of Dr Topping's work and wish to see him reinstated. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr MICHAEL OCENAR affectuminflamma@gmail.com Dear Archbishop, Dr. Topping is a great man who I look up to dearly. He has been a positive influence on everyone that I know who goes to Newman Theological College, and it would be edifying to see him restored to his original position, with your help. In Christ, Michael Ocenar Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Adrian Jimenez adrian.alejandro.yyc@gmail.com This decision is in direct opposition of the interests of the greater Catholic community. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Daniel Schramm schrammdaniel@mytyndale.ca Your Grace, I am greatly disappointed in the college's recent motions to dismiss Dr. Topping without good reason. As Archbishop of Edmonton, you have the responsibility to defend and promote the Catholic name of the college. For the good of this institution and of your own soul, I urge you to take action and see that justice is served and the college continues to thrive in an authentically Catholic way. Remember, one day you will face Almighty God and answer to Him on how this conflict was handled and what happened to many souls in your care as a result.
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Ryder Leach ryderleach@hotmail.com No one should be in a leadership position in a Catholic theological college if they do not practice the Catholic faith. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Jayden Duy Tran views-kart0b@icloud.com I was disappointed to hear the Dr. Topping will no longer be hosting Credo and Adoremus, but I was angered to hear that the College terminated his employment without providing any real backing. I believe Dr. Topping should be reinstated to his position in the college. If not, the people who were greatly influenced to Christ by Dr Topping’s efforts, deserve to know the reason for his termination. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Daniel Bittman boonhawk11@gmail.com I agree with all that is stated above, and pray that steps be taken to resolve the situation. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Brittany Cavanagh cavanaghbrittany@gmail.com I was deeply disappointed in the decision to remove Dr. Topping. I have been a witness to how he has greatly inspired the local Catholic community, especially young adults. I know that people and institutions are not perfect, but I beg that the concerns of the local Catholic community be considered and heard. Newman Theological College was heading in such an exciting and inspiring direction. Many families in Western Canada were happy with Dr. Topping's approach and the intellectual rigor of the new B.A. program. These are the families raising future religious, priests , teachers and leaders. They want their children to have a classical approach to Catholic education. I had hoped that my 5 children would attend the college one day. Thank you for your time. God bless. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Kristy-Lea Tritz momschanginglives@gmail.com In the world we live in today it is paramount that traditional Catholic values and culture be held fast. We are losing our grip and the faith is slipping away from the next generation. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Amanda Gaudet amanda.gaudet15@gmail.com Thank you Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Samuel Ejeregbe samuelejeregbe@me.com I am shocked at the dismissal of Dr. Topping the reason I encouraged many from Calgary to apply to Newman. It is unbelievable that a non Catholic is President of a Catholic college. Please reinstate Dr. Topping who brings alive our Catholic heritage through the Benedict XVI evangeliization Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr Sean Frew seanfrew@hotmail.com Listen to your faithful community - something here isn’t right, and it’s more important than ever to work to resolve this matter and not ignore it. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Alissa Jones alissan015@gmail.com Keep Newman a private Catholic institution. We need strong leaders to maintain our faith. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Shawna Thompson canumailus@gmail.com We are worried about the future of Newman College and the souls it helps to form for Christ. Please consider the request of this petition Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Shayna Pritchard shayna22@hotmail.com Mr and Mrs Topping have been amazing sources of wisdom and strength to homeschooling parents like myself. The energy and vision that Dr Topping had for Newman was inspiring. I had hoped to send at least a few of my 6 children to NTC, however I am now questioning that plan. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mr David Bittman Jr davidbittman1997@gmail.com I don’t want to spread hate but only love. Things that have been happening at Newman have been the work of the devil and must be stopped. Dr. Topping is a great model for the catholic community and has done no harm. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Carissa Weimer theweimersincalgary@gmail.com Bishop Smith, I ask you to please reconsider the actions taken place by the wrongful dismissal of Dr. Topping. This was an unjust action. Our students choosing a Catholic education deserve better. Yes
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On: 2024-10-03
Mrs Mary Sevigny meanderingmary@gmail.com Dear Archbishop Smith - I respectfully ask you to intervene quickly in this situation where Dr. Topping, who is an outstanding Catholic educator, was released without cause from the faculty of Neuman Theological College. He has always acted for the good of NTC and been a faithful, devoted Catholic husband, father and leader in the Catholic faith. The world has need of more like him and the next generation at NTC depends on him. Yes