NTC Petition

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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Katerina Walker katerinawalkerdesign@outlook.com I have been considering furthering my post-secondary education, and was wondering which *American* institution would be suitable to attend. I did not think the orthodoxy and adherence to the Magisterium of the Canadian institutions available would be satisfactory for my studies. Then I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Topping at a conference in June, and I thought perhaps I was mistaken. Perhaps Canada DID have an educational institute available for my graduate studies. I figured if a faithful and rigorous Catholic such as Dr. Topping was affiliated with this school, perhaps I could begin to consider pursuing a Masters through the Newman Theological College. Now I fear my initial assessment was correct, and that if a good Catholic such as Dr. Topping does not belong at this "Catholic" school, then likely a "trying-to-be-good" Catholic such as myself does not belong either. Unless this is remedied, I shall have no recourse but to cast my nets back to the States. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Jesse Underwood j_underwood1@hotmail.com This is a crucial moment in the history of NTC and the Archdiocese of Edmonton. The positive impact that Dr. Topping has had on the college and the Catholic community at large is unquestionable. To remove a man so devoted, accomplished, recognized, and held in such high regard without cause and, to this point, without explanation, while ignoring the outcry from the faithful Catholics of Edmonton is distressing, discouraging, and raises serious doubt about the direction of our Catholic institutions in Edmonton and in Alberta moving forward. Most Reverend Archbishop Smith, I pray that you take this opportunity to respond swiftly in a manner that strengthens the college, the archdiocese, and the faithful entrusted to your spiritual care. Here is an opportunity to show confident witness by your own actions for the good of The Church. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Miss Jessica MacKeage jess.mackeage@gmail.com Dr. Topping is a very influential person in the lives of young Catholics. He serves a very vital part to the church and unfortunately there are very few who have the influence of the youth and young adult Catholics. A transparent investigation needs to take place as these circumstances are in conflict with the will of the community. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Kim Trautman kimmarietrautman@gmail.com I wholeheartedly agree with this petition and think that many non Christian events have taken place. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Kim Bombak kimbombak@gmail.com The actions of the college have caused horrible damage to the trust that Alberta Catholics had placed in this institution, to help build leaders that would have defended the faith. NTC is no longer a safe place for the Catholic faith. I am heartbroken and dismayed. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Mike Simpson shootermike47@gmail.com I disagree with the decision. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Miss Elizabeth Connelly bethiecon@yahoo.ca I am signing this petition because I am deeply concerned about the future of the BA in Catholic Studies program and the damage done to Dr. Topping’s reputation and career. I believe the college owes him a public apology for the harm caused. Additionally, I urge NTC to carry out a thorough and transparent review of the decision-making process, engaging all relevant stakeholders, including students, parents, and community members. If the investigation reveals any undue influence or bias, those responsible should be held accountable. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Miriam Rauch miriamsmiley784@gmail.com This decision has plunged both a devout family and the Catholic community at large into chaos. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Christina Remijn christinaremijn@gmail.com Praying for wisdom and courage as we navigate these times. I am deeply concerned with the direction the college is taking. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Pietro Pasqualotto pete.pasqualotto@gmail.com As a concerned layman from the Diocese of Calgary, I am concerned for the 11 seminarians we have entrusted to your Institution for formation. I urge you, for sake of unity in the Church and for love of Christ, to please be transparent with your decisions in regards to Newman. Even if your decision to fire Dr.Topping was justified, and that is a big if, the handling of how he was fired was handled in such an egregious way that he certainly is owed an apology. Be assured of my prayers. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Milene Albers milene.albers@hotmail.com I request transparency is the firing of Dr Topping, especially as this was done with no warning and no explaination. The whole procedure, at the very best, appears to the public as suspicious and secretive, instead of being a justified dismissal. “For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light.” -‭‭Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭17‬ ‭ It’s time for the truth! Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Victor Carpay vacarpay12@hotmail.com As a third-year student at Newman Theological College, I pray this decision be reversed. I agree wholeheartedly with the petition. I also worry for Newman's future. Where things stand right now Newman's BA program will not be getting applicants in September 2025. This concerns me because of what I have received from the BA. I know how much potential it holds and hope to see the fruit of the BA continue for years to come. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Charlene Schramm schrammcharlene@gmail.com I have been encouraged by the direction of NTC in recent years, as it seemed to be taking strides to strengthen authentic Catholic teaching in a culture growing more hostile toward Christianity and Catholicism in particular. I was at a point where I felt I could recommend NTC, confident in the quality of Catholic education there. I have not always felt this confidence. With the recent dismissal of Dr. Topping, my confidence has once more been shaken - given the circumstances of his dismissal. I believe Dr. Topping to be an asset to any post-secondary institution and that we had him here, in Alberta, was a true blessing. As to the Board of Governors, I am puzzled as to how or why a non-Catholic would sit as President - even as an interim. It is mind-boggling that someone with the influence of the chair of a Catholic institution, would not be a Catholic. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Evan Ropp evanropp@gmail.com Please pay attention to the faithful of this archdiocese. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Caroline Campbell carolinecampbell77@gmail.com I add my name in agreement to this petition and the voices herein. I sincerely hope that this petition, and the requests and prayers of this community, are not ignored. Please consider the reasonable solutions presented, and restore our ability to trust the management of our Catholic institutions. Our families need strong, authentic, unapologetically Catholic leadership. In addition to this, I find Dr. Topping’s dismissal to be appalling. For all the reasons mentioned, but also in a very practical sense. It is very troubling that an institution claiming to be Catholic would fire a man/husband/father in such a callous and heartless way. This situation needs to be rectified immediately, and a public apology to his wife and family is in order. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Janelle Reinhart janelle@janelle.cc I agree with all of the above! Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Miss Jennifer Connelly jennifercatherine112@gmail.com Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Peter De Jong dejopee@gmail.com Make Catholic Catholic again Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Justin Massie justinmassie05@gmail.com I am in agreement with this Petition Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Shelley Lohues shelleylohues@gmail.com No Catholic institution should ever be headed by a non-Catholic person. They cannot ever understand what a Catholic school should look like. Yes