NTC Petition

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On: 2024-10-04
Mr James Dreveny biffhawk0@gmail.com What Dr. Bradley has done is appalling. Bring back Dr. Topping. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Teresa Kaup ctkaup@hotmail.com I whole-heartedly agree with this petition. It is unjust and un-Christian that Dr. Topping, a faithful and devout Catholic, was dismissed one week before college classes were starting (and without any explanation). I agree that an interim President of Newman, who is Protestant, should not be allowed to make such a terrible decision. A Protestant President at a Catholic College makes no sense. Please keep Newman Catholic by hiring a strong Catholic leader and bringing back Dr. Ryan Topping. Praying. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Miss Mary-Clare Franco maryclare.franco@icloud.com Dr. Topping was the ultimate reason behind why Newman Theological College became a haven for young people searching for a strong Catholic education. By firing him, the faculty not only expressed a lack of concern for the students who desire to obtain a fundamentally Catholic program, but they also chose to reject the Catholic spirit of the college itself. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Kent Bosch kentbosch86@gmail.com Our prayers for Dr. Topping and his family. Also, for NTC staff and students, Let's continue on a path of righteousness. Good isn't good enough. Our children and future priests deserve better, and a enviroment thats authentically Catholic and fruitful. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Luboslav Urda architect.lurda@gmail.com Please, we are a one catholic family. This decision not only fired a successful members of the church but also overlooked and crippled the financial needs of a 12 member family that was left without the collages support and basically thrown on the street. The time of firing also made it impossible to be hired for the next calander year. This is a shock for me as I would never expect such behavior from a catholic college that teaches about compassion, and loving ones neighbors. Furthermore, how could a catholic organization that teaches seminarians be alowed to be run by protestants. I ask you as a brother not an enemy. With love, Luboslav Urda Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Luke Bittman bitthawk022@gmail.com This lack of transparency is a great disservice to the college and the students and the people. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Amanda Bosch kentamanda86ca@gmail.com Praying for renewal at Newman Theological College! Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Daniel Costigan primo_dc@hotmail.com I agree 100% with the above comments and directives. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Diane Costigan dianecostigan814@gmail.com I agree with the directives above. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Chantelle Karikurubu thierry.chantelle@gmail.com Dr. Topping's immense contributions to NTC and the Catholic community as a whole make it unbelievable that the board and interim president would have chosen to dismiss him. This decision was clearly not made in the best interest of the college, considering that Dr. Topping has improved every one of its' facets. This only demonstrates how he was unjustly targeted and that the board of NTC needs an overhaul, starting with greater accountability. This situation is a terrible demonstration of Catholic disunity and ultimately, an infiltration by individuals who do not have true love for the Catholic faith. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Levi Breederland levi@breederland.ca Please reconsider the recent changes, for the sake the school itself and for the sake of everyone who will be influenced by what comes out of the school in the years to come. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Stacey Jost josts@uwalumni.com Praying God’s will be done at NTC and throughout our Archdiocese. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Grace Dreveny edreveny@gmail.com Praying for Dr Topping and the renewal of Newman Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Ethan Dreveny edreveny@gmail.com Praying for Dr Topping and the renewal of Newman Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Miss Phoebe Naidu phoebejnaidu@hotmail.com Dr. Topping has had great contribution and influence in rebuilding Catholic Culture in Edmonton. He was persecuted by the cowardly members of the board of NTC and I will not tolerate this unjust behaviour. This is an attack against the faith that we must stand up for. Truth will prevail! We must continue to pray for those who persecute the Church and for those being persecuted. God bless. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Corey Jolly dreambuilding@hotmail.com I've heard so much of the wonderful things Dr. Topping has done in the Archdiocese of Edmonton. This news is extremely disheartening!!! My prayers are with the Archdiocese of Edmonton! Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Shawna Garagan shawnagaragan@yahoo.ca Authentic Catholicism please
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Myles Bumphrey mylesbumphrey@gmail.com Ridiculous that someone who doesn’t accept the fullness of truth as revealed by the teaching of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church would be put in a position of great influence over Catholics. Jo Ann Badley should be removed as she is terribly unfit for the position. Further, Dr. Topping was unjustly persecuted by the ridiculous decisions of the board and injustice needs to be rectified. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Patricia Stephen trishisfound@shaw.ca Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Veronica Rodgers veronica.l.rodgers@outlook.com I agree with all above statements and stress the importance of protecting areas where we can truly express our Catholic faith. Yes