NTC Petition

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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Deirdre Bouchard klpdgbouchard@gmail.com I am grateful for the work of Dr. Topping and his passion for Catholic education. If there are just reasons for his dismissal that is relevant to his ability to fulfil his duties, then properly inform him of those reasons. If there are none, there proves to be a personal and unprofessional bias against him, which is simply unnacceptable. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Trevor Sliwkanich trsliwka@gmail.com . Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Natalie Van Renen natalievanrenen@yahoo.ca Reinstate Dr. Topping and secure the future of the BA program. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Carol Quist carolrquist@gmail.com Paul and I were shocked and saddened by the dismissal of Ryan Topping. We consider him one of the top few Catholic scholars in all of Canada. His books, his ideas, his wisdom, his energy and his apparent love for Christ, his Church, his priests, and his young people are all reasons that he is likely the best Newman has had to offer the Archdiocese. Please bring him back and apologize for this very bad decision. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Gonzalo Garcia Guerra garciawar@yahoo.com.ar Is with extreme sadness and concern to see how all the catholic institutions are being taken by non catholic leaders, specially those that have in charge the education of the new generations. Catholic schools are an example and Newman is following. Is time to say enough is enough. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Chandler Kerr crjtk@protonmail.com Dr. Ryan Topping's role and contributions to Newman, to the formation of young students and future priests, and to the Catholic community in Edmonton diocese, Alberta and Canada is invaluable to the renewal of Catholic families and culture. If that is indeed your goal, Archbishop Smith, you must intervene at once. The best way to make this right is, as I said in my previous letter, to apologize (you will grow in humility and earn the respect and admiration of Catholics and non) and to make Dr. Ryan Topping the new permanent President of Newman Theological College . I suspect if you do such a thing, you will see a even bigger renewal at Newman and your diocese, than was affected by Dr. Ryan Topping before. If you do not at least restore him to his former position, both Newman and your diocese will suffer serious damage to their reputations. You have a glorious leadership opportunity here and you can win many converts. I urge you, from sincerest charity, to take it! May the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Mary ever virgin, St. Michael and all the saints assist you! Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Aby Vandanath abyvandanath@gmail.com I support this petition Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Philip Ottenbreit philipottenbreit@gmail.com I have had direct contact with Dr Topping over the years and have been deeply impressed by his Catholic witness. I care deeply that the authentic fullness of our faith be safeguarded and shared from our Catholic educational institutions. To see Dr Topping’s position in the past has been an inspiration and assurance to me that there are good Catholics actively engaged in our institutions, and has been a source of hope. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Fadi Zidan zidanfadi95@gmail.com If you think the Lord doesn’t watch unfaithful acts, just wait till you see how He impacts your business and daily life. All truth from The Truth will become known Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Noah Canero noah.canero@gmail.com I support this petition. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Ms April Tamayo askmrstamayo@gmail.com Our young adults do not have good options for an authentic Catholic education in other post secondary institutions. Please protect the BA program at NTC to ensure a viable choice for future generations. We lose young Catholics to other dioceses when they are in post secondary education, robbing our city of an abundance of leadership during their critical formation. The vision Dr Topping presented several years ago regarding this program is what gave me hope for the future of my children’s education in the city. His leadership is paramount to keeping the vision alive. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Don Breen huntersalesedmwest@gmail.com Sad to see this happening. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Alane Boudreau alanemarie@shaw.ca “Divine Wisdom speaks not to the world, but to her own children.” St John Henry Newman Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Oliver Lamm oliver.lamm@yahoo.com Your actions are completely reprehensible Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Carla Kulyk carlamk1311@gmail.com Everyone should be allowed to get an education wherever they feel is the right place for them Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Justin Russell jusrussellpuey@gmail.com Preserve Catholic Values Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Jennifer Switzer jswitzer@outlook.com Please reinstate Dr. Topping. We need good leaders for the Christian faith to learn from. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Gabrielle Tonelli gabrielleb.tonelli@gmail.com I was astounded to hear that Dr. Topping, who has done so much for NTC, the Catholic community and especially young Catholics was unceremoniously dismissed. Yes
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On: 2024-10-04
Miss Viola Szakony sz.viola@shaw.ca It is of the utmost importance that the Catholic Community show unity in these matters. There is much discord and disgust creeping into our school systems — at the college level and elementary. This is absolutely absurd, especially in the Catholic environment. We need to stand by our Catholic vocation and our mission.
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On: 2024-10-04
Mr Joshua Switzer pianogod@gmail.com Reinstate Dr Topping. This is ridiculous. Yes