312 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Mike McHenry |
mikepmchenry@hotmail.com |
Agree with the above statement. |
Yes |
311 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Elisabeth de la Salle |
e.delasalle@gmail.com |
Please reinstate Dr Topping to his former role and remove all non Catholic staff ASAP. |
Yes |
310 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Keith Bennett |
clabenstar@gmail.com |
To fire a professor of Dr. Topping's calibre and reputation without cause from a prestigious Catholic College like Newman is the most incomprehensible action this board could have taken. We were particularly upset by the lack of Christian shown by waiting to do this just as the students were arriving for the new term. |
Yes |
309 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Carol McConnell |
stevecarolmcconnell@gmail.com |
While I may not have direct experience attending NTC, I can see the fruits of Dr. Toppings work. I have watched as the catholic community has grown and flourished, how programs have blossomed. I have heard many stories and accounts of individuals moving to Edmonton because of the catholic community. Many in the catholic community in and around the Edmonton area have chosen to attend seminars, faith formation nights or have completed programs implemented by Dr Topping.
NTC dismissed Dr Topping abruptly, without just cause and left a family man without means to provide and care for his family.
I would like to know how we intend to grow in the faith, to have a renewal and to be witnesses to others with this kind of treatment. I would like to know why he was let go, what reasoning was there.
I know for a fact this choice has shaken not only the Edmonton catholic community but many around the world who have friendships in the community.
I support this petition fully.
Yes |
308 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Milton Ramirez |
canadaramirez2005@gmail.com |
Good afternoon.
Your excellency Smith, with all due respect, do not be a part of the wolves wearing sheep skin that are attempting to destroy our Lord Jesus Christ' Catholic Apostolic Church and our educational institutes because their destiny is hell for treason to GOD.
Please remember that you have received more talents than most of us and you will be judged for what you did with them.
God bless you. |
Yes |
306 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Ms Monica Sikora |
smsikora@sasktel.net |
I am very distressed regarding the dismissal of Dr. Topping. The Church need’s Catholic educators like Dr. Topping in prominent roles for the renewal and on going eduction of students. Please consider reinstating him in his position, anything is egregious.
Monica Sikora |
Yes |
305 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Ewa Romaya |
ewa.romaya@gmail.com |
Dr. Topping is a treasure not just for NTC but for the greater Edmonton Catholic community. |
Yes |
301 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Miss Georgia Ramirez |
georgiaramirez.cc@gmail.com |
Firing such an important person to the Newman Theological College is completely shocking and confusing. He was the reason why so many high school students chose to attend NT College. The students, parents, and community should have been consulted. What a terrible decision. |
Yes |
300 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Miss Anna Sidloski |
anna.sidloski@my.newman.edu |
As a recent graduate of NTC, the college's decision to dismiss Dr. Ryan Topping has been a cause of great sorrow and concern to me. Dr. Topping is perhaps the most excellent man of my acquaintance, and his contributions to the the college, to the young people's Catholic community in Edmonton, to vocations, and to the Western Canadian Church in general are unquestionably unparalleled accomplishments. Dr. Topping should be known by the fruit of his work, and these fruits include joyful, open, and intelligent students who love the Faith and who are welcoming and understanding of others. Through Credo and Adoremus, young people have been inspired to seek baptism or return to the Church. These fruits, his personal virtue, and his excellence in academia, pedagogy, and research all lead me to think that the board's decision must be based not on truth or the needs and expressed desires of the students and community, who independently seek out what Dr. Topping stands for, but on personal malice or internal corruption. The case here seems to be parallel to that of Socrates and the Athenian youth, only Socrates was given a trial. Please do not do the college, the community, and yourselves the same disservice Athens did. |
Yes |
298 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Gabriele Tucci |
tuccijmj@protonmail.com |
I have been appalled to learn of the recent actions at NTC and hope to hear of some definitive action to set matters right.
Yes |
297 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Justin Krieger |
krieg_14@hotmail.com |
What has occurred at NTC with the dismissal of Dr. Topping is just one example of the state of the church today and how its institutions persecute faithful Catholics. I have been able to attend credo and adoremus events and have found Dr. Topping to be a great leader and very knowledgeable in the Catholic faith. He is someone I feel can be trusted and does not have heretical beliefs that could lead me astray. I’ve also been grateful to go to the same parish as Dr. Topping and his family, and really see how profoundly well they live the Catholic faith.
What has happened here is but one example of many of the issues facing Catholic institutions throughout the world, a suppression of the Catholic faith, of the sacred and of tradition. |
Yes |
296 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Natasha Piccini |
ma.tante.tasha@gmail.com |
As a former student of NTC I am deeply disturbed by the news of Dr Topping’s dismissal and replacement with a non-Catholic. This seems to be one in a sequence of events where I feel we are losing our Catholicity in an attempt to be more ecumenical. As president of the Student Council, I voted against a motion that was passed to remove the part in our council mission and vision that spoke about bringing students closer to the Eucharist. Why would this be removed? I cannot but see the recent events as an unfolding of a systematic culling of our traditional Catholic faith. |
Yes |
295 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Greg Chury |
gregchury@mac.com |
The Catholic faith is under sustained and relentless assault. It is time we standup to seek transparent and fair handling of our teachers and faithful. |
Yes |
294 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Miss Maiwen Dillon |
maiwendillon@icloud.com |
Dr Topping’s teaching and leadership was the reason so many of my acquaintances joined Newman Theological College in the first place. His dedication to deepening his students understanding of the Catholic faith has been unparalleled. I firmly believe that his presence is essential to the college's mission and cannot envision a scenario where removing him from his position would be justified. |
Yes |
293 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Patricia Laurence |
icontrish@yahoo.ca |
. |
Yes |
292 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Miss Michelle Ramirez |
michellecanramirez@gmail.com |
Please, as soon as possible. |
Yes |
291 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Isaac Nibourg |
inibourg15@gmail.com |
I was very disappointed to hear the dismissal of Dr Topping from Newman Theological College. It will only be to the harm of the college's reputation should this decision go unchecked. Dr. Topping was very instrumental in building up a healthy Catholic culture at the college and in the Archdiocese, and now the college has lost the trust of the students. It would be a shame to see the good that has started at the college go to waste over ridiculous political matters. I struggle to see what good the college is trying to achieve in this decision for the Catholic community in the Archdiocese and Western Canada. |
Yes |
290 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Miss Elizabeth Laurence |
to.lizzy.marie@gmail.com |
. |
Yes |
289 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Alejandro Beltran |
alejandro.beltran@outlook.com |
Do so as soon as possible. |
Yes |
288 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Miss Francesca Laurence |
laurencefrancesca@gmail.com |
Your Grace,
God bless you. “In this world you will have affliction. But take courage, I have overcome the world”. John 16:33 |
Yes |