334 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Ms Kathleen Laurence |
kath.laurence555@gmail.com |
With all due love and respect Your Grace, apart from the blatant injustices in this matter of Dr. Topping’s dismissal, please do what you can to help your hungry flock receive the true formation and nourishment they deserve and desire, lay people and seminarians alike. |
Yes |
333 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Mr Jozef Reichel |
jozefreichel17@gmail.com |
Why are good Catholics being punished for taking a sincere interest, and making an effort, to renew the church? I am a second year student at Newman College. I do not agree with many of Dr. Topping's opinions. Does this justify his unwarranted dismissal? NO! Since when has the notorious cancel culture of the modern zeitgeist sunk its roots even into the fabric of our Catholic institutions? One could say many things about Dr. Topping. What I cannot question is his devotion and zeal for the renewal of Catholic culture, and his willingness to contribute to the dialogue for positive change. Our church leaders cannot complain about a lack of involvement from Catholics, and in the same breath fire people who are at least attempting to make a difference. Our saviour himself tells us how to discern the character of our leaders. "you shall know them by their fruits." The good fruits of Dr. Topping's labour are apparent. Please, help stop the knee-jerk reaction of cancellation. If we cannot hold open dialogue, and contribute to the common pool of meaning in our Catholic institutions, they are no different from the chaotic, postmodern soup that secular universities have become. |
Yes |
332 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Miss Clare H. |
clareslittleway@gmail.com |
As a teenager, I have not attended Newman, but have had the privilege to witness all the wonderful changes that have happened since Dr. Topping first began teaching at Newman. Meeting with some of the young adults going to the college has been such a blessing for me as well, and they have definitely inspired me to set a good example for others the same way they have for me. Just this past summer, I had the opportunity to attend the St. John Paul II Catholic Youth Leadership Camp run by the Benedict XVI Institute which was the absolute best camp I have ever come across, which Dr. Topping had a large role in organizing. This is all to say that I have encountered many wonderful experiences, which never would have occurred without Dr. Topping, and I am sure many others could say the same. |
Yes |
330 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Miss Maggie Frank |
maggiefrank5@icloud.com |
Yes |
329 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Mr Donovan Morgan |
donovanmorgan2004@gmail.com |
Illogical - the only word that can describe the firing of Dr. Ryan Topping. He is the reason your school is relevant again, he is the reason anyone is talking about it. You are simultaneously destroying your B.A and your reputation. Unless NTC can say otherwise. I, as well as the rest of the Catholic community in Edmonton, are right to assume malicious intent, for there is no logical reason to fire a man like Dr. Topping.
I am a second year student at Newman, and I am discerning the priesthood, I know what a post like this could result in for me, I don’t care. The right thing needs to be done, how ironic is it that the college called us “un Catholic” just 5 months ago, and is now refusing to act with any sort of charity. |
Yes |
328 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Mr Thomas Bulman |
bto9415@gmail.com |
I believe in an institution that would want the purest form of the truth of Jesus Christ for its students and thus the world. I strongly believe people like Dr. Topping, and ideas of Catholic orthodoxy and authentic Catholicism that have been up to now fostered at Newman, are currently an obvious choice for the College to be a stronghold and secure authority for Catholics everywhere. |
Yes |
327 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Mr Thomas Bulman |
bto9415@gmail.com |
The future of the Church depends upon truly faithful and orthodox institutions. For the benefit of both mentors like Dr. Topping, who I believe can benefit the Faith and spread it greatly. As well as for the benefit of the faithful, specifically our young people. If students can be well formed the best in their Faith and carry this formation through their lives in whatever roles they take, the fruits of this for the rest of the world would be immeasurable. I believe in an institution that would want the purest form of the truth of Jesus Christ for its students and thus the world. I strongly believe people like Dr. Topping, and ideas of Catholic orthodoxy and authentic Catholicism that have been up to now fostered at Newman, are currently an obvious choice for the College to be a stronghold and secure authority for Catholics everywhere. |
Yes |
326 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Miss Ianua Robertson |
ianuarobertson@hotmail.com |
I am a second year student in the BA program. I am greatly disturbed by the lack of understanding and charity in the decision to fire Dr. Topping from his position at NTC. If it weren't for Dr. Topping's BA program and traditional Catholic culture of joy, I would not be supporting NTC. Dr. Topping is the only man brave and zealous enough to challenge and encourage us to live out our faith to the fullest as Catholics and I know that so many young Catholics in Edmonton feel the same way and we love him for it. It does not make any sense to fire Dr. Topping when he has only done good for the college, for young people, and for the Catholic community in Edmonton. I am praying that this decision will be reversed or at least that a explanation for this horrendous decision, along with an apology to Dr. Topping, will be made public soon.
Yes |
324 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Mrs Nancy Dreveny |
dreveny@telus.net |
Thank you for your attention to this petition and the requests made within. Prayers for all concerned. |
Yes |
323 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Miss Christa Kaup |
christakaup@gmail.com |
Yes |
322 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Mr Corey Dreveny |
drevenyc@telus.net |
Prayers for Dr. Topping and for the students who had signed up for an authentically Catholic education. |
Yes |
321 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-05
Mr Ian Greer |
iankennethgreer@gmail.com |
I am shocked by the recent events unfolding at NTC. It is clear that the direction NTC is headed is contrary to the Catholic Faith. Having an interim president dismiss a high value faculty member without cause is wrong indeed. |
Yes |
320 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Eric Bussiere |
ebussiere06@gmail.com |
Please reinstate our college's catholic culture by electing faithful Catholic board members that will do their best to protect and preserve catholic culture. I'm a first year student, and I can tell you that if you do not change the situation at the college there will not be any applicants in the fall of 2025. This decision is turning away many potential students. |
Yes |
319 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Jeremy Laurence |
jeremy.laurence43@gmail.com |
Please begin to support faithful Catholics. |
Yes |
318 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Marianne Holtslag |
witnesstohope@gmail.com |
I agree with the requests as stated in the letter to the Archbishop. |
Yes |
317 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Miss Lianne Laurence |
lmarylaurence@proton.me |
I support this petition wholeheartedly and hope that Archbishop Smith take these actions immediately to remedy this scandalous turn of events.
Yes |
316 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Paul Riopel |
prriopel@telusplanet.net |
Dr Topping is a respected, Catholic educator whose contributions can only serve to enhance the core curriculum at Newman. |
Yes |
315 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Fred Holtslag |
Freedom33Fred@gmail.com |
May our Lord Jesus Christ guide all those who should be working for the strengthening of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. |
Yes |
314 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mrs Naomi Charles |
MrsNCharles@ymail.com |
Please keep Catholic identity and Dr Topping working. |
Yes |
313 |
Submit by: Guest On: 2024-10-04
Mr Mike McHenry |
mikepmchenry@hotmail.com |
Agree with the above statement. |
Yes |