NTC Petition

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On: 2024-10-06
Mrs Shelagh Schiller shelagh.schiller@gmail.com I agree with the letter, this is unjust, Dr. Topping deserves an apology, & to be reinstated at NTC. Edmonton Archdiocese is poorer for this decision. The community deserves to be informed, as well as listened to. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Mr Vincent Schiller vcschiller@gmail.com This is like a step back to the 90s. The college was finally recovering from a reputation of questionable teaching and practices. Now this.
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On: 2024-10-06
Mrs Stacey Schiller stacey.schiller@outlook.com I agree with the above statements. Praying for all involved. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Mr Maurice Beier mauricebeier53@gmail.com This saddens me to think a Catholic Institution could perform this unjust act. To 'fire/dismiss without cause', Dr. Topping. What does that even mean? And, at the beginning of the school year. By a NON Catholic interim president at a Catholic College. Sad. Some clarity and transparency is in order. What I know of Dr. Topping is that he is a faithful and intellectual Catholic who has helped renew and reestablish the 'Catholicity' at Newman College. I agree with the above recommendations and believe Dr. Topping, his wife and family deserve a public apology, compensation and reinstated. St. Henry Newman, Pray for us. Our Lady of the Rosary, Pray for us. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Mrs Vicki Beier vbeier10@gmail.com This is a sad state of affairs for everyone involved and everyone watching this situation unfold. As Catholics witnessing to the world, may charity and justice always be the order of the day. When we fall short ... mercy and forgiveness. I support the recommendations of this petition. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Ms Brianna Mahé brianna.mahe@gmail.com I agree with all issues stated. May our catholic faith be upheld and protected. NTC and Dr Topping have been essential to spreading, and developing faith in a critical manner throughout this diocese. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Miss Giselle Boudreau giselleboudreau@gmail.com I agree to all the requests made above. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Miss Deanne Sarafinchan asarafin@xplornet.ca Remember Jesus’ words to Love one another. The actions against Dr.Topping we’re not in Love of another. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Mr Pascqualle Apuwa Pascal.Apuwa@stmu.comca If the decisions are made out of ego, pride, exertion of power or misuse of authority without the moral teaching and redlextions from Jesus's teachings, then we are doomed for failure as an institution, as leaders and as individuals. Any institution must put students first, no matter what the situation, and their professors come second to that. I hope your eminence, you will listen to the feeble voices crying in the valley of tears. Mary Mother of the Redeemer prays for us. The Catholic Faith must be defended even if it means death as our saviour showed us on the Cross. Yes
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On: 2024-10-06
Mr Luka B zeb.cut@gmail.com I am not part of the Catholic community, however what happened to Dr. Topping has spread farther than that. To say that even I am shocked and disappointed is an understatement. Firing a teacher without cause at a time where he couldn’t possibly get another job is unjust and grossly unfair, even from a non catholic perspective.
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On: 2024-10-06
Mr Noah Campbell nbcholyhouse@gmail.com Being a Catholic student of the Natural Sciences, I am very confused by the situation unfolding with Newman Theological College. When one seeks an education in the Sciences, one expects to be taught by those expertly versed in the topic, not amateurs boasting a rudimentary knowledge of the subject. The same holds true for a proper Catholic education- why should the Truths of the Catholic Faith be taught to Faithful Catholics by non-Catholics? The loss of Doctor Topping, an eminently respected author and teacher on the subject of a proper Catholic education, is appalling and will no doubt permanently change NTC, rendering it unrecognizable to the Faithful seeking understanding. Alberta's Catholic community, uniquely vested with personal interest in the intellectual formation of future generations, deserves better. Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mr Adam Kucharski adammarkkucharski@gmail.com As a new Seminarian at St. Joseph Seminary, the news of Dr. Ryan Topping's removal (which occured during my first week at Seminary) was very distressing. I have had the pleasure of attending various talks by Dr. Topping in the past, and one particular lecture, on the importance of building a Catholic Culture, was very inspiration. In fact, this talk ultimately lead me to become more involved in the local Catholic Community. I have also witnessed Dr. Topping, and his family, actively engage in various events within the Catholic Community, proving that he is a man of action as well. All things considered, Dr. Topping stikes me as a good man, and the news of his removal from Newman Theological College (NTC) was upsetting, made all the worse by the fact that it occured suddenly, just before the start of the academic year, and was given without cause. As a Seminarian, this event has been all the more troubling, and has left me with an unfavourable view of the institution. How can I trust NTC to provide me with good Catholic formation, when they remove good Catholic Instructors in such an unprofessional manner, seeming to give little regard to the instructors and their families. Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mrs Michelle Christopher rmchristopher@sasktel.net It defies logic to place a non-Catholic at the helm of an institution that forms our priests! And to then support the decision to remove Mr. Topping, a devout Catholic, feels very sinister. Please rectify this situation immediately because many lives depend on it!
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On: 2024-10-05
Mrs Josée Neefs bumphreyj@gmail.com Justice for Dr Topping! Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mr Lucille Lavoie Frehlich ohyo77@sasktel.net I am praying for restitution of this situation and the returning of right direction of this fine Catholic learning institution. With respect, Lucille Lavoie Frehlich. Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mr Sylvestre Tine sylvestine44@yahoo.fr NO to persecution of Catholics. God bless Dr Topping Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mrs Vanessa Nyssen jim.vanessa07@gmail.com Please keep our Catholic institutions Catholic. Our children, young and old are starving for the un-watered down truth of the Catholic faith. We must give it to them by having sound practicing Catholics in leadership/teaching positions in our colleges, or what would be the point of going? Dr. Topping is a sound practicing Catholic. The reason for his dismissal must be clarified or we are left to guess that it was wrongful. “Without cause” just doesn’t cut it. Having non practicing Catholics in leadership positions (even if temporary) is unacceptable. It’s a very slippery slope before it becomes secular. Please make this right and just. May God bless your difficult role with wisdom and love. Respectfully, Vanessa Nyssen Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mr Mike Bumphrey mbumphrey@gmail.com Your Excellency Unfortunately I am not shocked at the abhorrent approach taken by Dr. Hadley. How is it that someone not committed to the Catholic faith is put in this position? As a Catholic father of nine children, one of whom has graduated from NTC, and another who was exploring the idea (until this debacle), I am deeply disappointed. As a shepherd of the Roman Catholic faith I ask you to consider the proposed action steps in the defence of Catholic orthodoxy and act on them. I shall pray for you. Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mrs Maria Case casemairi@hotmail.co Our Catholic Faith must not be altered with secular visions Yes
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On: 2024-10-05
Mr Louis Roth louisroth062@gmail.com Restore Catholicism to Newman College and reverse the firinf of Dr. Topping. Louis Roth Yes